2nd ESUN Course in Rome delivers insights and best practices on Managing OAB

Twenty-four nurses from 11 European countries attended the two-day 2nd European School of Urology Nurses (ESUN) Course on Neurogenic detrusor overactivity and overactive bladder in Rome, Italy last November 4 and 5.

Wendy Naish discussing the assessment and management of the impact of OAB on daily life
The participants, selected by the organisational committee from 40 applicants based on their curriculum, benefited from quality lectures and insightful clinical cases on neurogenic detrusor overactivity and overactive bladder (OAB).The course was hosted by the San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital, with logistic support from AIURO (the Italian Association of Urology Nurses, chaired by Rosina Ceccarelli, RN) and Dr. Gianluca D’Elia, chief urologist of the hospital.

Dr. Bertil Blok (NL) during his lecture on ‘Disorders of the
urinary tract’
The course took place under the patronage of IPASVI, the Italian National Board of Nurses, and was supported by an educational grant by Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd., which enabled the delegates to attend at very reduced fees.
The course provided an overview of the pathophysiology of lower urinary tract dysfunction in OAB and neurogenic detrusor overactivity, relating to neurophysiological mechanisms, and current evidence-based management strategies. EAU Secretary General Prof. Christopher Chapple discussed the neurophysiology of the lower urinary tract and the onset mechanisms of neurogenic detrusor overactivity and OAB. Wendy Naish, Nurse Consultant, Continence (UK) discussed the impact of such problems on quality of life and potential management strategies, with practical suggestions for patient assessment and examples of nursing records.

Twenty-four nurses from 11 countries attended the latest state-of-the-art course
On the second day, Prof. Enrico Finazzi Agrò (chair of the Italian Society of Urodynamics or SIUD) and Prof. Giulio Del Popolo (former chair SIUD) closely examined urodynamics, and provided detailed information on when to use it and how to avoid artifacts in neurologic patients. Lisette Van De Bilt, Nurse Specialist Urology, and member of the EAUN Scientific Committee lectured on management strategies such as sacral neomodulation
and percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation.

Speakers Profs. Del Popolo and Finazzi Agró with the organisers.
The participants were then divided into groups to analyse clinical cases of real patients. The cases included relevant information about symptoms and patient characteristics, and the delegates were asked to indicate the proper nursing approach for each situation, presenting their solutions to the audience with help from Van De Bilt and Prof. Del Popolo.
Social programme
The social dinner presented an opportunity for participants to share experiences, exchange points-of views, and establish new contacts. All delegates received the full address list of participants for optimal networking. Additional course materials were also provided in digital format. Launched by the EAUN in 2015, the European School of Urology Nursing introduced in that year a successful course on urinary tract infections, which has already been repeated in a Dutch version organised by the V&VN Urologie (Dutch urology nurses association). The course on neurogenic detrusor overactivity and overactive bladder is the second of a series of initiatives, and the organisers are currently looking into other interesting topics. To further improve the quality of the course, the EAUN welcomes suggestions and ideas for potential topics. For comments and inquiries contact us at: eaun@uroweb.org.
We look forward to see you at the International EAUN Meeting in London!
Stefano Terzoni, Rn, PhD, EAUN Chair, Milan (IT), s.terzoni@eaun.org