2nd ESUN Course takes place in Rome, Italy

Application for the 2nd ESUN Course is now closed. The applications are currently reviewed.
The European School of Urological Nursing (ESUN) is proud to announce a brand-new course on neurogenic detrusor overactivity and the overactive bladder syndrome complex. The course will take place in Rome, Italy, on 4 and 5 November, 2016, and will provide the participants an overview of the pathophysiology of lower urinary tract dysfunction in idiopathic overactive bladder (OAB) and neurogenic detrusor overactivity, relating to neurophysiological mechanisms.
In addition, the current evidence base for management will be discussed. Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to describe the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of overactive bladder. They will also be able to describe and discuss the methods used for diagnosing and treat neurogenic and nonneurogenic overactive bladder. In addition they will be able to deliver the course in their clinical areas as part of a developmental training and educational commitment.
The course is open to 25 nurses from all across Europe, who will arrive on Friday, 4 November in the morning and attend the first half of the course in the afternoon. On 5 November, the second part will take place in the morning. Thanks to a grant from Astellas, the participation fee is just €100 for EAUN members and €130 for non-members; hotel rooms and the dinner for Friday 4th will be booked by the EAUN, so the delegates will only need to book their flight ticket, which will be covered by the grant as well. This ESUN course has been created and organised by the EAUN, with logistic support from AIURO, the Italian Association of Urology Nurses.
The scientific programme includes the aetiology of bladder control and neurophysiology of the lower urinary tract, pathophysiology and management of OAB and neurogenic detrusor overactivity with similarities and differences, and evidence-based nursing. The course will be interactive: the participants will discuss clinical cases and focus on decision-making, with help from a faculty of experts. The final goal is to give nurses a clear understanding of how to manage these patients with a multidisciplinary team. We are committed to offering a high-level international course, with a practical approach based on clinical reasoning and the best available evidence.
The course will be entirely held in English, so the participants are requested to be proficient in understanding and speaking, in order to ensure the highest level of interaction.
Don’t miss the opportunity to attend an important course in such a wonderful city; for all details regarding the course and registration, please contact Susan Brenninkmeijer, s.brenninkmeijer@congressconsultants.com
See you in Rome!