EAUN24: Nursing excellence will take centre stage in Paris next year

Mark your calendars for 6 to 8 April 2024! The 24th International Meeting of the European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN24) will bring together urological nursing specialists and medical professionals to collaborate on the latest developments in urology care.
This three-day meeting will be hosted alongside the Annual EAU Congress in Paris, the vibrant French capital renowned for its cultural treasures, encompassing world-class art museums, architectural marvels, and gourmet cuisine.
Hot topics at EAUN24
With the shared goal of working together to enhance the quality of urology care, the scientific programme is set to be more expansive than ever before. It will delve into a diverse array of topics, ranging from sexual health, prostate cancer screening, gender disparities in bladder cancer, and the profound impact of cystectomy on the quality of life.
Additionally, the programme will explore the latest advancements in endourology and robotics, penile rehabilitation, nurse-led stone management, the effects of menopause on the lower urinary tract, and benign scrotal conditions.
Comprising of three plenary sessions, seven state-of-the-art lectures, thirteen thematic sessions, three specialty sessions, hospital visits, and two courses by the European School of Urology, EAUN24 promises to be an extraordinary opportunity for collaboration and knowledge exchange among dedicated health professionals.
Would you like to contribute and make an impact at EAUN24?
You have a unique opportunity to showcase your urology-related research or practice innovations to a global nursing audience in Paris. Submissions are now open for poster abstracts, video abstracts, nursing research plans, and difficult cases.
Please note that the call for abstracts extends beyond nurses and EAUN members. However, participation in the research competition is exclusively reserved for EAUN members. You can find detailed criteria and submission guidelines on the EAUN24 website.
The submission deadline is 1 December 2023. Don’t miss out on this chance to making a last impact in the field of urology nursing.
Its nomination time!
Presented by the EAUN, the prestigious Ronny Pieters Award acknowledges exceptional dedication and innovation in urological nursing research and practice. Named after Ronny Pieters, a pioneer in urology nursing, the award honours those who significantly contribute to the field. Nominations are now open and will close on 1 November 2023. The award will be presented at EAUN24 in Paris, and the recipient will feature in the EAUN Award Gallery and on the EAUN website. For nomination criteria, please visit EAUN24 – Ronny Pieters Award.
Travel grant applications
The EAUN have a number of travel grants available for members that would like to attend EAUN24 but need some assistance with the cost of travel, registration, and accommodation. If you believe that you could benefit from this opportunity, we highly encourage you to apply by the deadline of 1 November 2023. To find out more about the application process, see EAUN24 travel grants.
Join us for an exquisite Parisian formal dinner
One of the social highlights of EAUN24 is the annual Nurses’ Dinner, which will take place on Friday, 5 April 2024 at Brasserie La Coupole, located in a beautiful and historically significant monument building. This presents the perfect opportunity for networking and enjoying the company of colleagues from around the world.
We look forward to welcoming you to Paris next year! You can visit the EAUN24 website for more information, and registration opens on 1 October.