First nurse to join EAU Female LUTS Guidelines Panel

In a recent EAU podcast (12 February 2023), Dr. Hanny Cobussen-Boekhorst, a nurse practitioner (NP) and a member of the EAU guidelines panel for Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), discussed her motivation and contribution to the EAU guidelines panel.
Multidisciplinary collaboration is the future of urology. As a nurse, Dr. Cobussen-Boekhorst talked about the benefits of having nurse-specialists involved in female LUTS management. Nurses have experience and expertise in providing a patient-centred approach, with a focus on quality of life and education. This is essential when investigating the best treatment options, teaching-guidance from start-to-end of treatment (such as intermittent catheterisation or stoma care), and follow-up.
Dr. Cobussen-Boekhorst shared her experience as part of a multidisciplinary consultation for patients referred for urostomy, where a team of urologists, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals discuss the options and the patient’s understanding of the procedure.
Lastly, the importance of the EAUN guidelines for urostomy patients were discussed. These guidelines offer the latest medical insights, e.g., Bricker urostomy vs continent urostomy, with or without a bladder augmentation, stoma material, catheters.
You can listen to the podcast that featured Dr. Cobussen-Boekhorst, via one of the podcast apps below: