High quality poster sessions

Two moderated poster sessions took place during the 17th EAUN Meeting in Munich but due to the higher number of high quality abstracts, an extra unmoderated session was organised, for the second time in the history of the EAUN’s annual meeting.
We had presenters from across Europe and beyond, with some from Israel and Japan, giving the sessions a broader view of urological nursing. This year, thanks to the support by AMGEN, the three best posters were awarded a grant of 500, 300, and 200 euros respectively.
The third prize was awarded to L. Balin (IL), whose poster entitled “Choice and insertion of the urinary catheter: comparison of urology vs. internal medicine department nurses” addressed education in clinical practice. Balin enrolled 193 nurses in four hospitals in Israel, and found statistically significant differences in favour of urology nurses in terms of knowledge and correct management (e.g. meatal care), and regardless of age and work experience. Balin’s work provided objective data on the well-known, but often underestimated, problem of providing evidencebased education and applying guidelines in nonspecialist clinical settings; for this reason, her work won the third prize.
The second prize was awarded to Mrs. Franziska Geese (CH), with her poster “Changing perspective! Patients with prostate cancer and their partners giving an insight into their experiences of disease and optimal potential of an advanced practice nurse counselling support program in Switzerland”. Geese presented a very interesting programme of support provided by an Advanced Practice Nurse with a psychooncological approach, before radical prostatectomy and during follow-up sessions, with positive results and high satisfaction levels reported by patients and partners.
Finally, the first prize was granted to Mattia Boarin (IT) who presented the poster titled “The early implementation of oral diet in patients undergoing radical cystectomy improves postoperative outcomes.” The study reported on the results of a preliminary study on 23 patients with ileal conduit, and examined bowel function, mobilization, personal hygiene, tolerance of oral feeding, quality of sleep, intensity of pain, post-operative complications (e.g. bleeding) and length of stay.
The other posters also addressed important topics such as urinary tract infections, prostate cancer survivorship pathways, patients’ information on erectile dysfunction and incontinence, catheter blockage at home, bladder exstrophy, shockwave therapy, urodynamics in neurogenic bladder, stoma siting, nurse-led prostate clinics, nephrostomas, TRUS biopsies, and sexual health. All the posters presented are accessible for free download in PDF format from the EAUN website (www.eaun.uroweb.org).
Overall, the posters provided evidence results, as well as practical information that could be used in everyday practice and this fulfilled the objective of the sessions which aim to serve as a platform for knowledge sharing. All presented abstracts, posters and webcasts can be found in the Resource Centre at www.eaun16.org. The EAUN Scientific Committee exerts efforts to come up with interesting poster
sessions and is ready to provide support to all colleagues who are interested to join the abstracts sessions in London next year. Don’t miss this opportunity! Abstract submission is open from 1 July until 1 December 2016 at www.eaun17.org
Author: Stefano Terzoni, RN, PhD., EAUN Chair, Milan (IT), s.terzoni@eaun.org