New EAUN Board Member: Mattia Boarin

My name is Mattia Boarin, and I would like to introduce myself to the EAUN members as a new board member of the European Association of Urology Nurses. I am 36 years old and I graduated in 2008 at the Nursing School of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan, IT). In 2012, I finished my master’s degree in the science of nursing. I have had 10 years’ experience as a staff nurse at the department of urology of the SanRaffaele Hospital, where I have collaborated in many development projects, clinical protocols revision and the development of patient education tools. Since August 2020, I hold the position of Head Nurse of the same department of urology and outpatient urology clinic.
The main surgical procedures performed at our department, which is one of the most important European urological research centres, are radical cystectomies (open and robot-assisted) and robot-assisted prostatectomies.
Since 2011, simultaneous to my clinical urological and nursing management experience, I am a lecturer of Urological Nursing at the School of Nursing, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan, IT). Currently I am collaborating in research and development projects in the urological nursing field. My personal research interest areas are oncological surgical urology, clinical management of patients who have undergone cystectomy, ERAS/Fast-track protocols and prehabilitation.
Since 2013, I am a member of the EAUN. That year I participated in my first meeting, organised in my country (EAUN Milan, 2013); I had the opportunity to get to know the EAUN activities and recognise the importance of joining an international urological nurses network.
European School of Urology Nursing
In the following years, I regularly participated in the EAUN annual meetings, where I had the opportunity to present several research posters. Moreover, in the past years, I attended the courses of European School of Urology Nursing as well. These courses gave me the possibility to share the best evidence-based indications for urological patient management with my colleagues.
My personal scientific experience has developed by speaking at many national and international conferences and by collaborating in many publications and papers as first author or co-author, in the urological clinical field. These experiences have had a fundamental importance, promoting best practices sharing, with an impact on clinical practice at my department.
Represent southern European countries
I consider the EAUN Board membership an important opportunity to represent the southern European countries, extending and strengthening our current network. The comparison and collaboration between nurses from other, different countries supports members to share information and clinical experiences, with the primary purpose of standardising the urological nursing practice in Europe.