New video session format at 17th EAUN Meeting in Munich

The ‘Inside the Body – Surgery in Motion’ session that we had for three years at the annual EAUN meetings will be presented in a new format starting with the 17th International EAUN Meeting in Munich next year. Why do we organise a video session at every International EAUN Meeting?
Why we need it
The initial objective was to show on-screen the excellent work by urological specialists and present it to our colleagues in nursing. As urology nurses many of us actually only get to see the result and outcome of such specialised work. Thus, the “Inside the Body” session, serves as a window that allows a closer look into these surgical procedures. It was a simple concept that worked, but like all good things in life it may have run its course in its current format. Time for a change.
It is said that “action changes things” and with that inspiration in our mind for the EAUN meeting in Madrid, we worked hard to look for innovations in our video selection. Unfortunately, we ended up with half the confirmed speakers not showing up at all. Adding insult to injury, the session, booked in a very expensive hall, was poorly attended by our urology nursing colleagues. Was it the time of day? Was it due to a very popular session held at the same time just across the corridor?
Perhaps, the aforementioned reasons were part of the low attendance but I would prefer to look at things with a larger lens and a critical eye. My conclusions and proposed measures are as follows:
Sometimes, we are looking but not seeing. The reason behind such a poor showup is much clearer and closer at home. Simply put, urology nurses want to see on screen what other urology nurses are up to, full stop. There are out there a plethora of avenues and media platforms with opportunities to see innovative work by urology specialists. On the other hand, for nursing procedures there are very little, indeed, by comparison. Are we, as urology nurses so conservative and not innovative enough? I don’t think so. But have we been confined to the status quo with some excellent but sporadic bursts of well-researched and published accompaniments from the selective few?
I put forward a challenge to all urology nurses. Why not splice together a 10-minute video presentation of what you are doing and which you believe should be shared with us? What could be shown, you may ask. Certainly, a well-presented narrative or experience that made a positive difference in one’s practice. It may not even be a video after all but a collage of photos documenting a process that has one fundamental feature – innovative nursing practice.
Let me share thoughts and examples:
Example One: I know that there are urology nurses who have served in far-away countries and that’s not something we often see. Why not have presentations on these experiences? I wonder how such an experience can be applied out there, literally in the field. Last year, during our meeting in Madrid, I had the pleasure of meeting such a person. I was impressed by the enthusiasm of this very competent urology nurse when she shared her experience. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see it on-screen and spread the joy?
Example Two: Mention the word “Da Vinci” and it’s an instant turn-off for most of us in the nursing community. Indeed it is a wonderful tool but no disrespect intended, many still look at it as the toy that someone else gets to play with in another greener, playpen. Yet, very few know that there are highly competent nurses who have earned specific tasks as key Da Vinci team members. Wouldn’t it be a refreshing change during a nursing meeting to see the preparations specifically performed by a nurse first assistant specialised in robotic surgery? With all the Da Vinci work being carried out there, there must be a video or two to be made.
Example Three: This example is almost the direct opposite to the first. Is there anyone out there who has experienced and documented urology nursing being upheld during difficult circumstances such as a national emergency or even in conflict conditions? It may not be as uplifting as the voluntary work earlier mentioned, but such presentations give out a strong message of hope and testament to the stamina of many of our colleagues.
Socrates left us some words of wisdom: “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
The transition from the “Inside the Body” sessions to “By Nurses, for Nurses” is not something the EAUN Scientific Committee can build on their own. It is your contribution that will be “building the new” and setting a path that others will choose to follow and emulate.
By Simon Borg, Rn, EAUN Board Member, Mater Dei Hospital, Inpatients Theatre, Msida (MT)
European Urology Today Vol. 27 No. 4 August/September 2015