
A Look at EMUC 2014
Urologists, Oncologists and Radiologists convened on Lisbon from 13-16 November, 2014. Get an impression of the 6th European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers!

Prof. Chapple outlines the EAU Congress highlights
What can you expect from the 30th Anniversary EAU Congress? Secretary General-Elect Prof. Chris Chapple outlines the highlights.

ERUS 2015
Interested in all the latest on Robotic Urology? Come to ERUS 2015 in Bilbao. For more information on registration and abstract submission, keep an eye on:

EAU15: Putting Science First
Dr. Briganti and Prof. Stenzl explain what goes into developing a comprehensive scientific programme for the EAU’s Annual Congress.

A Look at ERUS 2014
Looking back on a successful ERUS 2014! The EAU Robotic Urology Section had its annual meeting in Amsterdam from 17-19 September, 2014. This video looks back at some of the highlights, including live surgery, training and education.

Prof. Hugo Davila: The CAU study on robotic surgery
In this interview, Prof. Davila discusses the results of the latest study conduced by the CAU. Interesting outcomes, inspiring conclusions.

B. Tombal: The future of trials in urology
In this interview EORTC’s current president talks about the current developments in the field of onco-urological trials. He stresses the need for a qualitative change in the way trials are designed to atteact practicing urologists to participate and offers examples of how this is already being done.

A.L. Burnett: We should not stop looking for better options, just because we can use PDE5 inhibitors
In this informative AUA lecture, Prof. Burnett addresses some of the most important concequences of urological surgery.

Declan Murphy: Social media, robots and a lot of enthusiasm
Check out this great interview with Declan Murphy, who talks (quite seriously) about his presentation about the outcomes of RARP in an Australian study, and then (quite inspiringly) about the use of social media in urology.

Prof. Hein Van Poppel on the use of RARP for high risk prostate cancer
Prof. Van Poppel’s view on the use of the robot in the treatment of high-risk PCa patients is very articulate! A great response to the great interview with Dr. Declan Murphy

Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam: The good, the bad and the ugly of catheter usage
In this interview, Mr. Thiruchelvam addresses the reality that many patients have to face when using a catheter: from the physical impact of blockages and infections to the heavy psychological burden that this common urological procedure may present.

Prof. Jochen Walz on the role of imaging in urology
The chairman of the EAU Section of Urological Imaging talks about the highlights of a dedicated session and the increasing role of imaging in urology.