Working together to improve healthcare through EAUN

Dear EAUN members,
My motivation to apply to become a member of the board started while working on the latest prostate EAUN Guidelines, and has grown after attending the EAUN conference in 2019. I am professionally engaged and love constantly gaining new knowledge – I think that is one of my strengths. I have also been professionally involved as a member of a national group for improving catheterisation equipment in Norway.
“Upcoming Norwegian board member introduces herself to the membership”
I find it inspiring to teach and have taught on the Norwegian National Nursing Day and on a course for Urotherapists discussing Patient cases, both children and adults. I am an engaged Urotherapist and I teach urological topics in our hospital, such as catheterisation and other subjects. I have a collaboration with nurses in the municipality and teach them about catheterisation and about leakage problems in children.
To tell you a little bit about my professional background, I would like to mention that I qualified as a State Registered Nurse in 1992 (Oslo, Norway) and started my career at Kristiansund Hospital on the northwest coast of Norway. I now work with urological topics – as a urotherapist – in an outpatient clinic of the same hospital.
I also have two qualifications for further education: Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation (Ålesund, 60 study points) and Urotherapy (Bergen, 60 study points). As a urotherapist, my main responsibilities include patient observation through various urological tests, urodynamics tests, and to take medical histories and guide patients to better cope with their illnesses. I monitor paediatric and adult patients with various bladder dysfunctions, assist urologists performing prostate biopsy and do the follow-up for patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer.
For the last 12 years, I have been involved in conducting a 2-day course for patients who have or have had prostate cancer twice a year. By joining the EAUN Board I hope I can use my qualities and engagement to work together with other people in Europe for better healthcare in Norway and other European countries. Together we can achieve much more!
I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the next International EAUN Meeting in Milan.
With kind regards,
Ingrid Charlotte Klinge Iversen
Ingrid Klinge Iversen, RN, EAUN Board Member Elect, Kristiansund Sykehus, Dept. of Urology and General Surgery, Kristiansund (NO),