Your day-by-day guide to EAUN25’s top sessions

This year the 25th International Meeting of the European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN25) will take place in Madrid, Spain on 22-24 March 2025. To mark this momentus anniversary, we are delighted to bring you an exciting, comprehensive and innovative scientific programme. The meeting presents the latest in science and education in various formats to suit the needs of all participants including plenary and special sessions, state-of-the-art lectures, panel discussions, poster sessions, thematic sessions, ESU courses, and hands-on training. Here are some highlights for you.
Saturday, 22 March
We will kick off by celebrating 25 years of the EAUN. We will take you back in time over the past 25 years in the context of urology nursing in general, the development of the EAUN and we will also provide you with an overview of where the EAUN is heading in the future. The Endourology and Robotics SIG will present “The evolving landscape of nurse-led practice within endourology and robotics”. The Bladder Cancer SIG will discuss “Salvage therapy in localised recurrence of bladder cancer and side effects”, and the Continence SIG will be “Navigating current challenges in continence care”. We will also have our first poster session, as well as a session on creating and presenting posters.
Sunday, 23 March
There is a good balance of both benign and oncological urology topics covered in the programme. This includes expert lectures on “Unravelling chronic bladder pain: Diagnosis, urodynamics and enhancing quality of life”, “Uroflowmetry: How to understand the results” and “Integrative oncology: Combining complementary and conventional treatments”. Integrative oncology is a field of medicine that combines conventional cancer treatments with complementary therapies and supportive care approaches to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of cancer patients. There is an EAUN – ESU Course on the “Diagnosis and management of acute urologic presentations”. This aims to cover a wide range of acute urological conditions and educate attendees on their diagnoses and treatments. The course will address various conditions including testicular pain, acute penile problems, hydronephrosis, urinary retention and Fournier gangrene. The day will conclude with the Nursing Research Competition. Selected research plans will be presented and discussed by a jury, allowing for this session to also be an interactive learning experience of reviewing opportunities and pitfalls in setting up nursing research.
Monday, 24 March
The day begins with a state-of-the-art lecture on “Upcoming emerging landscape of systemic therapies for metastatic urothelial cancer” and on “Polyuria: Urological causes and treatment”. We will also have an innovative thematic session on the “Management of sexual dysfunction and promotion of sexual wellbeing for all genders”. It will provide a better understanding of sexual dysfunction in all genders as well as sharing the common pitfalls and strategies to minimise difficulties in discussing treatment options. The day will of course conclude with the important awards ceremony and the annual General Assembly of the EAUN.
This is merely a snippet of what is happening over the course of the three-day meeting. See the full scientific programme. And don’t forgot to come and enjoy a sumptuous Spanish dining experience together at the Annual Nurses’ Dinner on Friday, 21 March 2024.
By Lynn Casey (IE), Member of the EAUN Scientific Congress Office