3rd ESUN Course ”Bladder Cancer in Depth”: Amsterdam hosts comprehensive course

Organised by the European School of Urology Nursing (ESUN) and the EAUN’s Bladder Cancer SIG Group, the 3rd ESUN Course “Bladder Cancer in Depth” was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from October 27 to 28 last year.
Educational grants from sponsors involved in the treatment and care for bladder cancer patients made it possible for the first time to invite 50 urological nurses from around the world to participate in this spectacular ESUN event. Like in previous courses, the only requirement to apply for an ESUN course is to motivate your application.
Despite growing public awareness, bladder cancer care is still an area in urological nursing which deserves attention through education and knowledge of the actual growing body of evidence. The core of bladder cancer care is complex and requests from members and congress attendees during recent years inspired us to offer the “Bladder Cancer in Depth” course. A multi-professional faculty provided the attendees with excellent presentations on the basics and recent evidence in bladder cancer care.
The faculty prioritised interactive sessions to provide attendees the chance to network, share experiences and explore the possibilities of upgrading the quality of care in their own institutions. The round-table discussions were intense and each group (based on geographical area) provided concrete suggestions for quality improvement and how to approach implementation aspects at their local hospitals.
The programme covered the following sections:
• Module 1: Principles of treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer – K. Hendricksen, Amsterdam (NL)
• Module 2: Principles of treatment of muscle-invasive and metastatic bladder cancer – R.P. Meijer, Utrecht (NL)
• Module 3a: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy – R.P. Meijer, Utrecht (NL)
• Module 3b: Immunotherapy – H. Pappot, Copenhagen (DK)
• Module 4: Intravesical therapy – Moderator: S. Vahr Lauridsen, Copenhagen (DK)
• Patient safety issues – K. Chatterton, London (GB)
• Nurse safety issues – W.M. De Blok, Utrecht (NL)
• Everything you always wanted to know about BC but did not have the opportunity to ask
• Module 5: Patient’s perspective and unmet needs in bladder cancer – C. Paterson, Dundee (GB)
• Module 6: Group work Part 1: Connect with nurses from your country and prepare questions
• Module 7: Adherence to treatment – H. Pappot, Copenhagen (DK)
• Module 8: Clinical health promotion in relation to bladder cancer – B.T. Jensen, Aarhus (DK) & S. Vahr Lauridsen, Copenhagen (DK)
• Module 9: Nursing role from haematuria to cancer – K. Chatterton, London (GB)
• Module 10: Group work Part 2: Discuss items to teach back home, create a programme with teacher, make a financial plan, present the plan
This dynamic part of the course was very interesting for the organisers and will be an integral part in future ESUN courses. The best project design was awarded with a small prize. It was difficult to pick the very best work or proposal but the Irish group came up with a short and realistic project that convinced the organisers of the potential for immediate implementation and benefit for the patient. We look forward to the report from the Irish group! Also noteworthy was the synergistic effect of seeing dedicated and enthusiastic nurses in a roundtable discussion, examining best care and challenging their own practice.
The learning outcome of the course and the projects for improving standard of care was impressive, and was only made possible with the contributions of the interactive participants and highly motivated speakers. Thank you to all attendees and speakers who chose to spend a weekend with us. We hope to repeat the success next year.
Ideas for future ESUN courses from members are welcome and please note that ESUN courses are accredited with 8 points by Accreditatiebureau Verpleegkundig Specialisten Register (Accrediting agency of the Specialist Nurses Register in The Netherlands) and the Accreditatiebureau Kwaliteitsregister V&VN Register Zorgprofessionals (also in the Netherlands).
Bente Thoft Jensen, RN, PhD, Chair, EAUN Bladder Cancer SIG Group, Aarhus (DK), benjense@skejby.rm.dk