
EAUN24: Nursing excellence will take centre stage in Paris next year
Mark your calendars for 6 to 8 April 2024! The 24th International Meeting of the European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN24) will bring together urological nursing specialists and medical professionals to collaborate on the latest developments in urology care....

Personalised risk prediction of side effects after RARP
Helping patients to make better treatment choices Specialising in prostate cancer, I have worked as a nurse practitioner in urology for the last 13 years. I have seen many patients with localised prostate cancer have difficulties to make a...

2023 ERUS-EAUN Meeting: Q&A with Anna Mohammed
ERUS23 in Florence was joined by the ERUS-EAUN meeting for nurses (looking to get) involved in robotic urology. The day-long programme included a morning of presentations and discussions, followed by an afternoon of hands-on training opportunities for interested delegates....

“Spot on” evidence-based urological nursing care
The growing evidence in urology nursing care is amazing! With this column, the EAUN SIG Groups want to put the spotlight on recent publications in their field of interest. This month’s articles have been carefully chosen because of the...

EU*ACNE nursing education accreditation system
What it is and why it matters? In this article, I would like to present the recent European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN) efforts to ensure the EU-ACME would create a high quality and user-friendly system of accrediting nursing...

New Special Interest Group: Sexual Health
Since the last EAUN meeting, held at EAUN23 in Milan earlier this year, a new Special Interest Group (SIG) called SIG Sexual Health has been launched. I took the initiative to form this new SIG and approached several urology...

A crucial prevalence study on female UI conducted in Milan
EAUN aids in urological nursing research project The chance to participate and win the nursing research competition in order to promote our study has aroused our group’s interest and enthusiasm. As Italian nurses, being part of this competition judged...

Results from a comprehensive EAUN survey
In the past decades a lot has changed concerning accreditation for nurses. In some countries continued education is a condition to maintain your licence as a registered nurse. In October 2020, the EAUN asked national urology nurses societies to...

New EAUN Board Member – Marcin Popiński
My name is Marcin Popiński. I am a new board member of the European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN). I am 30 years old. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English Studies in 2014. I work at the...

The EAUN is listening to you!
I opened the 23rd International EAUN Meeting (EAUN23) in Milan this year with a strong message to all our EAUN members, “The EAUN is listening to you”. Of course, not everybody is fortunate enough to attend the meeting in...

My EAUN fellowship at UZ Leuven
My name is Nethravathy Seenappa and I am a registered nurse from India. After obtaining my diploma in nursing in 2004, I started working at a dedicated nephro-urology hospital, the NU Hospitals in Bangalore, India. In 2016, I completed...

The best of EAUN23: A recap and key takeaways
Around 250 enthusiastic delegates from 30 countries all over the world convened at the 23rd International EAUN Meeting (EAUN23) from 11 to 13 March 2023 in Milan, Italy. Over 70 renowned experts, who comprised the meeting faculty, presented novel...