Update on the 2nd ESUN Course on Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity and Overactive Bladder

In July the ESUN’s SCO has reviewed all applications carefully and chose the participants for this comprehensive course that will take place in Rome from November 4 to 5. They have selected 25 out of the 45 applications to the 2nd ESUN Course on Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity and Overactive Bladder. The selected participants are from Belgium, Denmark, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Confirmed faculty
We are very pleased to have amongst the confirmed faculty Prof. Chris Chapple, EAU Secretary General, Dr. Bertil Blok (NL), member of the EAU guidelines panel on Neuro-Urology, Ms. Wendy Naish, Nurse Consultant, Continence at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, Croydon (UK), Prof. Finazzi Agrò, Chair of the Italian Society of Urodynamics and urologist in Rome, Ms. Lisette Van De Bilt, Nurse Specialist Urology (specialised in continence and pelvic floor) from Eindhoven (NL), and Prof. Giulio Del Popolo, Past Chair of the Italian Society of Urodynamics, Florence (IT).
The course will take place at the San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital and accommodation for all participants has been booked. The complete programme is now online at the EAUN website which has a special ESUN page in the Education section.
Accreditation has been requested in The Netherlands. Dutch participants will automatically receive the credit points. Participants also have the option to receive a certificate which mentions the Dutch accreditation points. For other queries send an email to the EAUN at eaun@uroweb.org.