
SUNA Core Curriculum for Urologic Nursing

Book review: SUNA Core Curriculum for Urologic Nursing

The Society of Urology Nurses and Associates (SUNA), based in the USA, has just released the first edition of its Core Curriculum for Urologic Nursing. Edited by Diane K. Newman, Jean F. Wyman, and Valre W. Welch, this book...

Monitoring New Zealand patients on abiraterone

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in New Zealand. In 2012, 3,129 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and 607 died from metastatic or castration-resistant disease (MoH, 2015). The Southern District Health Board (DHB) is a publically funded regional health...
2015 Nominee for the EAUN Board

Improving follow-up care after nephrectomy

Similar to worldwide trends, renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in the Netherlands comprises 2% of all the malignancies1. The Netherlands Cancer Institute is a specialised institute where many cases of nephrectomies and partial nephrectomies are performed in localised and locally advanced RCC. The follow-up after...

A fellowship exchange at UZ University Hospital Ghent, Belgium

I visited the UZ University Hospital in Ghent last 24 to 27 November as part of a fellowship programme of the European Association for Urological Nurses (EAUN). The EAUN, which sponsors the travel, accommodation and daily allowances, offers two application rounds per year. In...