
Stockholm meeting highlights new trends in nursing care
The 15th International EAUN Meeting in Stockholm ended in gathering a much broader group of allied healthcare professionals, which demonstrated the intrinsic links and benefits of a multi-disciplinary approach to urology care. Over three days the EAUN delivered a...

Reducing patient non-compliance
I am a registered nurse at the Department of Urology’s Outpatient Section of the Counties Manukau Health (CM Health) in Auckland, New Zealand, and I would like to share my insights regarding the value of teamwork and a nurse-led...

Informationen über die EAUN nun auch in Deutsch erhältlich
1. URO-DAY, 4. Juli 2014, 9.00 – 17.00 Uhr In Kooperation mit EAUN Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, mit dem 1. URO-DAY wollen wir eine Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Pflegefachpersonen, Urotherapeuten und weitere an der Urologiepflege interessierte Fachpersonen durchführen. Erkenntnisse aus der...

Treatment of Bladder Pain Syndrome
Bladder pain syndrome (BPS) was addressed in the last EAUN Meeting but little is known in clinical practice. The staff at The Centre of Voiding Dysfunction, Århus University Hospital (DK) set out to share their experience with Danish as...

Improving interprofessional communication
Sometimes small initiatives can make a big difference to patient care, and yet as a topic they may seem too ‘simple’ for presentations at a nursing conference. When the complaint was received the urology nurses acknowledged the anxiety caused...

Nursing management of prostate cancer in Italy
Philippa Aslet, BAUN President, opened the two-day conference which focused on prostate cancer treatment during the first plenary sessions. Among the issues discussed were modernising diagnostic procedures, targeted HiFu, effects and treatment options of pelvic radiation, to name a...