
Thought-provoking session about post-RALP rehabilitation

Amsterdam 2022 was my first experience of attending the EAUN congress. I feel honoured that the EAUN selected me for a travel grant of €500. This enabled me to take part in this wonderful event. The programme was varied,...

Meet new EAUN Board Member: Robert McConkey

My name is Robert McConkey, I live in Galway City on the west coast of Ireland, and I am delighted to join the board of the EAUN. I work in the urology day services department in University Hospital Galway,...
Marta Marchetti

The perioperative urology nurse from a UK perspective

The advanced nursing role in urology is currently a popular topic, which was also discussed at EAUN22 in Amsterdam. There are different understandings, requirements and applicability with regard to the topic in various countries. Some commonality does exist, however....

EAUN22: Nurse led clinics

Highlighting clinics for benign conditions The ever-growing workload in urology has resulted in changes to the way urological care has traditionally been delivered. In many countries, nurse led clinics in urology manage and deliver holistic patient centred care for...

When we all help one another, everybody wins

Urology nurses need the help and support of all urologists and urological departments Dear Surgeons and EAU members, Dear Surgeons and EAU members, I’m taking this opportunity to introduce myself as the new chair of the European Association of...

Neurogenic LUTS and CIC: Nurses’ point of view

Future nursing research in CIC to address the need for an evidence-based educational protocol On behalf of the EAUN SIG Continence: E. Wallace (IE), V. Lejay (FR), G. Villa (IT) The general term Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction (NLUTD)...

Sexocorporel: Clinical sexology in urological context

Nurse practitioner counselling and therapy at the University Hospital Bern The Department of Urology of the University Hospital of Bern uses an approach based on the model ‘Sexocorporel’ for nurse practitioner (NP) counselling in sexual health. The present article...

Prostate cancer care and exercise

Regardless of disease state, exercise is (still) a cornerstone of prostate cancer care. And the amount of  literature proving it is growing. 150 minutes’ aerobic exercise per week combined with at least two sessions of resistance exercise and daily...

EAUN supports Ukraine and its nurses and HCPs

The European Association of Urology Nurses, as a European professional nurses association with members from across the world is saddened and greatly concerned by the events in Ukraine and we extend our deepest sympathies to all the people in the...

EAUN21 report: Highlights, crucial updates, and awards

The recently-concluded virtual 21st International EAUN Meeting (EAUN21) delivered the newest and most crucial updates in urological nursing from 3 to 4 September 2021. Comprised of nursing specialists and affiliated medical professionals, the EAUN21 faculty offered their expert insights...