Accreditation for urology nursing events
Information for event and e-learning providers
Despite the fact that many individual Member States have created obligatory systems, the EU has not demanded any mandatory system of continuing nursing education (CNE) / continuing professional development (CPD) at European level. Major related concerns have been:
- The structure and facilitation of accreditation of CNE/CPD activities for urology nurses;
- The awarding of appropriate credits (hours) to individual urology nurses throughout Europe.
On account of these concerns the European Urology – Accredited Continuing Nursing Education (EU-ACNE) system and the European Urology Accreditation Board for CNE (EUAB-CNE) was created. By establishing this independant board and using an integrated system, activity can be recorded and facilitated without encroaching on the responsibility of national organisations where they exist.
Accreditation provides organisers with the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to high standards of urological patient care. This is achieved through the educational activity meeting the EUAB-CNE’s approval by ensuring their exacting standards. Generally, accreditation is for training and education and other professional development activities. All applications will be reviewed by an independent accreditation board (EUAB-CNE ) to ensure that credibility and good practice requirements are met.
1. EUAB-CNE – European Urology Accreditation Board for Continuing Nursing Education

From left: Jeannette Verkerk-Geelhoed, Mattia Boarin, Julie Ellis-Jones, Jason Alcorn, Deepa Leelamany, Sarah Hillery, Kelly Leonard
Current Members of the EUAB-CNE are:
- Dr. Jason Alcorn, United Kingdom
- Mrs. Sajida Chagani, Pakistan
- Ms. Sheila Marie De Leon, Philippines
- Dr. Julie Ellis-Jones, United Kingdom
- Mrs. Sarah Hillery, United Kingdom
- Mrs. Deepa Leelamany, United Kingdom
- Mrs. Kelly Leonard, United Kingdom
2. What is the purpose?
For event organisers, the purpose of EU-ACNE accreditation is to ensure that educational programmes, training or materials for urology nurses and health care professionals are:
• valid and worthy of professional recognition;
• able to guide individuals or organisations in the educational and training decisions and choices they make;
• capable of informing best practice;
• informing continuous urological nursing care improvement.
For health care professionals, the purpose of accessing or using accredited programmes is to be assured of the quality and know that it is recognised as such by the EU-ACNE. The gained credit points will give health care professionals a means of demonstrating their continuing professional development.
3. Who is eligible to apply for CNE accreditation?
The EU-ACNE considers for accreditation events submitted by:
• an individual nurse
• a university or hospital department
• scientific societies
• a national medical or nurses association
• communication agencies
• a professional congress organiser
• applications by other types of providers will be considered on a case by case basis as long as the application is supported by an appropriate nursing specialist who will take responsibility for the application. This person must be registered with his/her National Regulatory Authority.
4. What are the benefits and value of EU-ACNE accreditation for event organisers?
- Acknowledgement that the CNE organiser/provider of an event/activity has fulfilled the EU-ACNE requirements for a CNE programme;
- Internationally recognised accreditation ensuring high-quality standards;
- Quality control of the event by international experts;
- User-friendly electronic application platform. Providers only have to fill out their details once (MyCNE account);
- Event advertised on the EU-ACNE website;
- Possibility to use the EU-ACNE logo on advertising material and website;
- Advertisement once during the license period in the EAUN e-newsletter which is sent to EAUN members;
- Reciprocal links between the EU-ACNE event calendar and the endorsed or accredited organisation’s website via a hyperlink;
- Permission to use the accreditation logo on the website or advertising material of a continuous online course or webinar recording for a maximum of 2 years, after which should be reapplied.
5. What can & cannot be accredited?
Accreditation is the means by which organisations, companies or individuals can be assured of the quality of the training and also be assured of the commitment to improve quality.
The board may consider accrediting programmes through the approval of clinical content and the educational suitability of resources such as, but not limited to, the following
- Live (virtual) event
- Congress, seminar, symposium, course, workshop or another scientific meeting; either run independently or as part of an (inter) national congress
- Webinar
- Online course/e-learning that includes a pre- and post test
The following areas are currently not being considered for accreditation by the EU-ACNE:
- Industry events, industry educational activities and industry materials.
- Conferences and courses from countries that have their own accreditation body.*
* Please note that it is possible to have the national accreditation registered in the EU-ACNE system (Please refer to Accreditation Guidance point 4.)
EU-ACME Office support
Please contact the EU-ACME Office if you require support in determining if your initiative can be considered for accreditation. The EU-ACME Office acts as a central hub, for information and registration of accredited CME and CNE events and administers accreditation points in the portfolios of urologists, urology nurses, and other related health care professionals.
6. Accreditation requirements and review process
To learn more about the accreditation requirements and the review process, please download the Accreditation Information Pack.
7. How are the credit points calculated and what is the pricing structure
To learn more about the accreditation requirements and the review process, please download the Accreditation Information Pack.
Within the EU-ACNE programme, the activities are accredited following the rule – 1 credit per hour (in 0.25 increments), with a maximum of 8 credits per day.
8. Endorsement
Events and materials that cannot be accredited within the EU-ACNE system may be considered by the Board for endorsement. Endorsement includes, but is not limited to, industry events, industry materials and those events accredited by a national body.
For more information on endorsement please refer to the EAUN website, or contact the EAUN Office by email at