Fellowship Programme
The EAUN promotes exchanges throughout Europe and for this reason, a fellowship programme has been set up enabling nurses to visit host institutions for one or two weeks.
The fellowship programme can be used for various purposes:
- Basic: To observe nursing care in another hospital/country and to compare this to your own practice with the aim to identify areas of practice that could be improved.
- Specialised: These fellowships are meant for specialised nurses who are working on a developmental project and believe the fellowship can aid to the success of this project. (See for example the fellowship report of Bente Thoft Jensen in the section “Examples of fellowship reports” below.)

It is our experience that the benefit of this programme is not limited to the fellow and their colleagues, but is also extended to the department of the hospital that was visited!
This is truly the exchange of experience and good practice that the EAUN aims to promote and it is wonderful to see how sometimes a long-term relation between hospital departments develops from a fellowship.
How to apply
EAUN Fellowships are open for all EAUN members, with a membership of at least 2 years.
There are 2 fellowship deadlines each year: 31 January and 31 August.
You can apply for an EAUN Fellowship by filling out the Application form.
For more information we refer you to the document EAUN Fellowship Guidelines and Rules.
More Options
The EAUN Board is also open for fellowship applications for other hospitals (also outside Europe) and fellowships for a shorter period, but with more nurses at the same time; approval of the fellowship application will largely depend on the motivation that is given for this request. There is a limited budget for EAUN fellowships and therefore the EAUN Board will considers and weigh all applications carefully.
Host Hospitals
For more information on the eight Host Hospitals please refer to the menu on the left.
Reports of the Fellowship experiences
To read the published reports of the EAUN Fellows please refer to the menu on the left.