Award Gallery
Every year the EAUN Chair hands out the Ronny Pieters Award, the Best Poster Presentation Awards and the Prize for the Best EAUN Nursing Research Project Plan. The awards are a vital acknowledgement of the fact that the international urological nursing community is progressive and continues to push the level of clinical practice in urology nursing today.
2024 Award Winners
Ronny Pieters Award 2024
Hanny Cobussen-Boekhorst (Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
“In recognition of an outstanding and enduring contribution to the development of Urological Nursing in Europe”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne (l) and R. Pieters (r) to H. Cobussen-Boekhorst
Prize for Best EAUN Nursing Research Project Plan Presentation
T. Junker, B. Thoft Jensen, L. Leinum, S. Vahr Lauridsen, B. Bach Pedersen, Rikke Nygaard Knudsen (Odense, Aarhus, Roskilde, Copenhagen, Aalborg, Aarhus, Denmark)
With the research project plan: “The Impact of a National Goal-directed Nurses Educational Program on Managing Intravesical Instillation with Mitomycin C or Bacillus Calmette-Guérin – A Longitudinal Mixed-method Study Exploring the Patient and Nurses Experiences and Confidence”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne (l) and V. Geng (r) to T. Junker
First prize for Best Practice development-oriented Poster Presentation
G. Zisengwe, P. Sanyang, J. Allen, J. Nordlund, A. Barber, J. Rusere, L. Fleure (London, United Kingdom)
With the poster: “Improving support for black men with prostate cancer”
– Handed out by: P. Allchorne (l) and F. Geese (r) to G. Zisengwe
First prize for Best Science-oriented Poster Presentation
K. Schubach, T. Niyonsenga, M. Turner, C. Paterson (Melbourne, Australia)
With the poster: “To understand supportive care needs among people with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC)“
– Handed out by: P. Allchorne (l) and F. Geese (r) to K. Schubach
Second prize for Best Practice development-oriented Poster Presentation
M. Diocera, T. Catalan, E. Medhurst, K. Chen, D. Murphy (Melbourne, Australia)
With the poster: “Telehealth-based pre-operative education session for robot-assisted radical prostatectomy patients – a 2-year follow-up study”
– Handed out by: P. Allchorne (l) and F. Geese (r) to M. Diocera
Second prize for Best Science-oriented Poster Presentation
N. Heneka, S.K. Chambers, K. Carmont, M. Parcell, W. Shannon, S. Walker, H. Tuffaha, M. Steele, I. Schaefer, J. Dunn (Springfield, Australia)
With the poster: “Acceptability of a nurse-led virtual prostate cancer survivorship care model in rural Australia: A multi-methods, single-centre feasibility pilot”
– Handed out by: P. Allchorne (l) and F. Geese (r) to S. Sara who accepted the prize on behalf of N. Heneka
2023 Award Winners
Prize for Best EAUN Nursing Research Project Plan Presentation
G. Villa, S. Trapani, S. Gnecchi, A. Poliani, D.F. Manara (Milan, Italy)
With the research project plan: “Female urge urinary incontinence in an Italian tertiary referral university and research hospital: A prevalence study”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne (l) to G. Villa
First prize for Best Practice development-oriented Poster Presentation
C. Oliveira, S. Ross, C. Gkika, C. Molokwu (Bradford, United Kingdom)
With the poster: “Prediction of missed clinically significant prostate cancer after adoption of new prostate specific antigen (in mcg/L) referral guidelines”
– Handed out by R. Zonderland (Hollister) (l) and P. Allchorne (r) to A. Semedo (SCO) who accepted the prize on behalf of C. Oliveira
Sponsored by HOLLISTER
First Prize for Best Science-oriented Poster Presentation
C. Cassells, C. Semple, S. Bingham (Dundonald, Jordanstown, Antrim, United Kingdom)
With the poster: “Maximising sexual wellbeing | cancer care e-Learning resource: Healthcare professionals’ views on acceptability, utility and recommendations for implementation”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne (l) and J. Verkerk-Geelhoed (r) to C. Cassells
Second Prize for Best Practice development-oriented Poster Presentation
R. Dalton, R. McConkey, T. Kelly, G. Rooney, M. Healy, L. Murphy, M. O’Loughlin, M. Dowling (Galway, Roscommon, Limerick, Ireland)
R. Dalton (r) with team members T. Kelly (l) and R. McConkey
– The prize was handed out by R. Zonderland (Hollister) and P. Allchorne (l) to T. Kelly (r) who accepted the prize on behalf of R. Dalton
Sponsored by HOLLISTER
2022 Award Winners
Ronny Pieters Award 2022
Jerome T. Marley (Newtownabbey, United Kingdom)
“In recognition of an outstanding and enduring contribution to the development of Urological Nursing in Europe”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne and R. Pieters (right) to J.T. Marley
Prize for Best EAUN Nursing Research Project Plan Presentation
Terzoni S., Mora, C., Sighinolfi, C., Rocco, B. (Milan, Italy)
With the research project plan: “Helping patients with chronic pelvic pain and non-relaxing pelvic floor: nurse-led transcutaneous sacral neuromodulation”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne and S. Vahr Lauridsen (right) to S. Terzoni
First prize for Best Practice-development Oriented Poster Presentation
Ostergaard L.D., Madsen L., Topholm L., Lund L., Poulsen C.A., Poulsen M.H. (Odense, Denmark)
With the poster: “The establishment of a standardized patient involving PRO-intervention for patients with prostate cancer treated with active surveillance”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne and J. Verkerk-Geelhoed (right) to L.D. Ostergaard
First Prize for Best Science-oriented Poster Presentation
Faurholt Øbro L., Handberg C., Ammentorp J., Pilh G.T., Osther P.J.S. (Vejle/Aarhus/Odense, Denmark)
With the poster: “Perspectives of patients with prostate cancer on self-management support through mHealth and health-coaching”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne and J. Verkerk-Geelhoed (right) to B. Thoft Jensen on behalf of L. Faurholt Øbro
Second Prize for Best Practice-development Oriented Poster Presentation
Diocera M., Chen K., Murphy D.G., Lawrentschuk N., Moon D., Eapen R., Goad J., Birch E., Mathieson J. (Melbourne, Australia)
– Handed out by P. Allchorne and J. Verkerk-Geelhoed (right) to M. Diocera
Second prize for Best Science-oriented Poster Presentation
With the poster: “A prospective study in nurse-led clinics and community nursing using the transurethral catheterisation safety valve (TUCSV©) for the prevention of catheter balloon inflation injury of the urethra”
– Handed out by P. Allchorne and J. Verkerk-Geelhoed (right) to M.J. Abitang
2021 Award Winners
Ronny Pieters Award 2020-21
Rita Willener (Berne, Switzerland)
“In recognition of an outstanding and enduring contribution to the development of Urological Nursing in Europe”
Prize for Best EAUN Nursing Research Project
Chagani S., Aziz, W., Ather, H. (Karachi, Pakistan)
With the research project: “Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) for patients undergoing Radical Cystectomy: A quasi experimental Study”
– Handed out by S. Vahr Lauridsen to S. Chagani
First prize for Best Practice-development Abstract
Turgut D.N., Palta A., Tektas M., Balci M., Guzel O., Aslan Y., Tuncel A. (Ankara, Turkey)
With the abstract: “A comparison of job satisfaction, depression severity and quality of life between perioperative nurses who take part robot-assisted laparoscopic and pure laparoscopic surgery”
– Handed out by R. McConkey to D. Nur Turgut
First Prize for Best Science-oriented Abstract
Leinum L., Baandrup A.O., Azawi N. (Roskilde, Denmark)
With the abstract: “Digital fluid balance monitoring can improve measurement accuracy. A pilot study”
– Handed out by R. McConkey to L. Leinum
Second Prize for Best Practice-development Abstract
Elliott J., Schilcher B., Scholt D. (Münster, Bremen)
– Handed out by R. McConkey to J. Elliot
Second prize for Best Science-oriented Abstract
With the abstract: “Prostate cancer patients’ perspectives of integrating mHealth and coaching in prostate cancer survivorship care”
– Handed out by R. McConkey to L. Faurholt Øbro
2019 Award Winners
Ronny Pieters Award 2019
Ronny Pieters (Ghent, Belgium)
“In recognition of an outstanding and enduring contribution to the development of Urological Nursing in Europe”
First prize for Best Practice-development Poster Presentation
McConkey R., Rogers E., Darcy F., Dowling C., Durkan G., Walsh K., Jaffry S., O’Malley P., Nusrat N., Aslam A., Hahessy S. (Galway, Ireland)
With the poster: “Development of an advanced nurse practitioner led bladder cancer surveillance service in Ireland: Preliminary audit results”
– Handed out by S. Vahr Lauridsen to R. McConkey
First Prize for Best Scientific Poster Presentation
Mannarini M., Della Giovanna G., Boarin M., Villa G., Marzo E., Manara D.F. (Milan, Italy)
With the poster: ’Is re-use of intermittent urethral catheters safe and preferred? Real world data from the United States’
– Handed out by S. Vahr Lauridsen to M. Boarin

S. Chagani
Second Prize for Best Practice-development Poster Presentation
With the poster: ‘A Simulation based workshop on urosepsis improves knowledge and skills of urology nurses”
– Handed out by S. Vahr Lauridsen to P. Allchorne who accepted the prize on behalf of S. Chagani
Second prize for Best Scientific Poster Presentation
With the poster: “An investigation of the role of the Advanced Practice Nurse caring for urological patients in a regional hospital in Switzerland”
– Handed out by S. Vahr Lauridsen to R. Klauser
2018 Award Winners
First Prize for the Best EAUN Poster Presentation
R. McConkey, C. Holborn
University Hospital Galway, Urology Department, Galway, Ireland; Sheffield Hallam University, Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Sheffield, United Kingdom
With the poster “Exploring the lived experience of gay men with prostate cancer: A phenomenological study“
– Handed out by Mr. R. Haeckel (AMGEN)
Second Prize for Best EAUN Poster Presentation
P.B. Svankjær, A. Holm Jensen, T. Søndergaard Sørensen, H. Haslund-Thomsen
Aalborg University Hospital, Clinical Nursing Research Unit, Department of Urology, Aalborg, Denmark
With the poster “Grit in the waterworks – patient experiences of living with stones in the upper urinary tract“
– Handed out by Mr. R. Haeckel (AMGEN)
Third Prize for the Best EAUN Poster Presentation
J. Avlastenok, K. Rud, H. Køppen, L. Wendt-Johansen, H. Wested, P. Busch Østergren
Herlev Hospital, Department of Urology, Herlev, Denmark
With the poster: “Quality of life of spouses living with men undergoing androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer“
– Handed out by Mr. R. Haeckel (AMGEN)
Prize for the Best EAUN Research Project Plan Presentation
V. Decalf, R. Pieters, K. Everaert, M. Petrovic, W. Bower
Ghent University Hospital, Belgium; Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
With the Nursing Research Project: “Prevalence, incidence and associated factors of nocturia on the ward“
– Handed out by Mr. S. Terzoni (EAUN Chair)
2017 Award Winners
– Handed out by S. Terzoni
First prize for Best EAUN Poster Presentation
Schmidt M.L.K., Midtgaard J., Ragle A-M., Avlastenok J., Sønksen J., Østergren P. (Copenhagen, Herlev, Denmark)
For the poster: ‘Transition from hospital-based supervised exercise to unsupervised exercise in the community: Experiences from men with prostate cancer’

– Handed out by S. Terzoni
Second Prize for Best EAUN Poster Presentation
Newman D.K., O’Connor C., Clark L (Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, United States of America)
For the poster: ’Is re-use of intermittent urethral catheters safe and preferred? Real world data from the United States’

– Handed out by S. Terzoni to M. Schmidt who accepted the prize on behalf of J. Avlastenok
Third prize for Best EAUN Poster Presentation
Avlastenok J., Rud K., Køppen H., Føns F., Østergren P. (Herlev, Denmark)
For the poster: ‘A descriptive study of experienced burden by spouses living with men undergoing androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer’

From left to right: J. Bloos and E. Offringa, who accepted the prize on behalf of E. Van Muilekom, and M. Aberg Hakansson (WELLSPECT)
Prize for the Best EAUN Nursing Research Project – March 2017
E. Van Muilekom, S. Horenblas, S. Ottenhof, J. Kieffer (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
For the paper: ‘Quality of life in penile cancer patients: a survey of patient reported outcomes’

Prize for the Best EAUN Nursing Research Project – September 2016
R.N. Knudsen, E. Grainger, M. Svejstrup, B. Jensen, H. Kruse Larsen, J. Bjerggaard Jensen (Aarhus, Denmark)
For the paper: ‘Quality Assurance Project: Nephrostomy catheters and bandages’
The Best EAUN Nursing Research Project Prizes were supported with an educational grant from Wellspect HealthCare.
2016 Award Winners
1st Prize Best Poster Awards
Mattia Boarin (Milan, Italy) (middle) with newly installed EAUN Chair Stefano Terzoni (Italy) and Daniela Niepel (AMGEN) (right)
P8: The early implementation of oral diet in patients undergoing radical cystectomy improves postoperative outcomes. By: Boarin M., Rancoita P.M.V., Crescenti A., D’Onghia R., Gianandrea E., Villa G.
Second Prize Best Poster Awards
Franziska Geese (Berne, Switzerland) (middle) with newly installed EAUN Chair Stefano Terzoni (Italy) and Daniela Niepel (AMGEN)
Poster 11: Changing perspective! Patients with prostate cancer and their partners giving an insight into their experiences of disease and optimal potential of an advanced practice nurse counselling support program in Switzerland. By: Geese F.1, Willener R.1, Zehnder S.1, Spichiger E.2
Third Prize Best Poster Awards
L. Balin (Karmiel, Israel) (no picture available)
Poster 16: Choice and insertion of the urinary catheter: Comparison of urology vs internal medicine department nurses. By: Balin L.
The poster prizes were supported with an educational grant from AMGEN
During the General Assembly of the EAUN on 14 March 2016, three 15-year members were honoured with a certificate of acknowledgement: Ronny Pieters from Belgium, Karin Stenzelius from Sweden and Jerome Marley from Ireland (below)