Presentation Instructions

Important instructions for poster and video presentations

Please be aware that it’s mandatory that:

  1. The submitter prepares a poster or video of the abstract according to the instructions for posters and videos.

Four prizes will be awarded, a First and a Second Prize for the Best Scientific-oriented Poster Presentations and a First and Second Prize for the Best Practice development-oriented Poster Presentations of respectively €500 and €250. Prize winners have to be present at the Award Session on Monday afternoon (or send a representative) to accept their prize. If they are not present, the prize will be accepted on their behalf by a Scientific Committee member.

Session types

The format of presentation depends on the session you will present your abstract in:
• Poster Session (PPT presentation with discussion on stage)
• Expert-guided Poster Tour (poster presented with discussion at a digital screen)
• Video Session (video with discussion on stage)

The format of the Video Session

In the video session the submitted videos of max. 10 minutes will be shown, followed by 5 minutes discussion. The presenter or the video narrative highlights the role of the nurse.

The format of the Expert-guided Poster Tour

In this poster session format, digital posters will be presented in a concise format at a digital screen. Two experts will guide the session by means of questions and discussions. The complete session will be 30 minutes, each poster will be presented for 2 minutes followed by 2 minutes of discussion. There will be no PowerPoint presentations.

The format of a Poster Session

    1. Physical poster viewing at the poster boards 30 minutes
    2. Introduction by session chair on stage (4 minutes)
    3. PowerPoint presentations on stage (6 minutes for PPT presentation and 2 minutes for discussion per presenter)

A poster session is an interactive discussion. During the poster viewing, at the beginning of the session, groups gather at the various posters and move from one to the next, discussing their findings with the authors. This permits a one-to-one exchange of ideas. After the poster viewing, the poster presenters will present their PPT presentation on stage followed by an interactive discussion.

Date, time and place are listed in the online programme. You will be responsible for mounting your poster on the assigned poster board with the available push pins 15 min. prior to the start of the poster viewing. An abstract presenter must attend the whole poster session in which he/she is scheduled. The quality of the meeting is extremely dependent on the calibre of the presenters and their posters.

The EAUN Scientific Committee requests that you declare any relevant links to the industry in relation to your presentation or other conflicts of interests at the beginning of your presentation (in slide 2).


The poster

Full details for poster design are available on the EAUN faculty website


PDF of the poster

The PDF of your poster will be posted in the Resource Centre and hand-outs will be printed for you. For this reason, we need to receive a PDF file of your poster at least 4 weeks in advance.
All poster presenters (Expert-guided and Poster Sessions) should upload their poster PDF  and (only for Poster Session) their PowerPoint through the EAUN faculty website.

You have received an email invitation with a link to the EAUN faculty website.


The PowerPoint presentation

Poster presenters will prepare a short PowerPoint presentation of their poster using max. 6 slides (including title and Conflict of Interest slide). There is no fixed structure for the slides. You are requested to download the EAUN25 PPT template from the EAUN faculty website (“Download PPT” in the menu on the right).

Presenters should upload their finished PPT presentation through the EAUN faculty website at least 2 weeks in advance. This will enable the session chairs to prepare for the session.

After the poster viewing, the poster presenter will present their PowerPoint presentation on stage in 6 minutes followed by 2 minutes interactive discussion.


Poster tool

For more guidance on preparing a high quality presentation and poster please check the Poster Presentation tool on this page.


Do you have specific questions regarding your abstract presentation, please contact If you have any general EAUN (Annual Meeting) questions, please send your email to