Abstract & Video Submission Rules EAUN25

Before entering the abstract submission system you are requested to carefully read the rules regarding abstract and video submission.

Abstract submission for EAUN25 in Madrid

Abstracts may not have been published or presented at an international urology/continence congress attended by nurses, previously at the time of presentation at the International EAUN Meeting.

  • Only abstracts submitted through the official online submission system will be considered.
  • Abstract(s) must be submitted in English. This applies also for the title, text body and author affiliations.
  • Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the European Association of Urology Nurses.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published in the EAUN25 Resource Centre and presenters will be offered the opportunity to publish their abstract in the International Journal of Urological Nursing.
  • Any human experimentation that has been conducted with respect to the submitted abstract(s), should have been conducted according to the protocol approved by the institutional or local committee on ethics in human investigation; or, if no such committee exists, the works should have been conducted in accordance with the principles of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. The process of adhering to local / international ethical processes must be explicitly noted in the abstract. Council may enquire further into ethical aspects when evaluating the abstract(s).

Additional rules for EAUN Board and Scientific Congress Office (SCO) members:

  • If the Board/SCO member is 1st author, the abstract can be presented but is excluded from the competition for a prize.
  • If the Board/SCO member is co-author, the abstract can be presented, but if it wins a prize, the 1st author receives the prize.


Abstract topics

Research and practice-development

The EAUN is committed to the development of an ever-expanding body of knowledge in urological care and to raising the quality of care provided to those we serve through two broad routes, namely research (the creation of new evidence via a formal research study) and practice development (the application of evidence to innovative / novel practice). We welcome abstracts from both of these inter-related areas as we value the importance of both equally, seeing them as critical to the development of our profession of nursing. Accordingly, you may enter abstracts under two broad categories; research method abstracts or practice development abstracts.

Science-oriented (research) abstracts: Presentation of information in research abstracts follows the accepted research method process and can relate to both quantitative and qualitative research abstracts.

Practice development-oriented abstracts: Abstracts submitted here will present information / data on completed or ongoing practice-development initiatives or innovative urological nursing practices which are NOT part of a formal research study. Urological nursing occurs in many different areas and abstracts are welcome from all perspectives. In the abstract state the objective of the practice-development initiative, the process(es) undertaken, and any materials and methods used. Whilst abstracts about ongoing initiatives are welcome, it is necessary to include information on the way in which you will / have evaluated the impact and effectiveness of your initiative and its implication for practice.


Do you wish further information and advice?

If you have never written an abstract for a conference previously, or if you feel unsure about the steps to take, we provide you with an educational tool that will not only answer the practical questions that you may have, but will give you confidence in composing and submitting your abstract. If you are already an accomplished presenter then the tool will inform you about the required EAUN abstract format. The tool will describe the key components of an abstract, offer practical suggestions for optimising the key messages of your work, provide general advice on abstract preparation and tips for increasing the likelihood of your abstract being accepted for presentation. Go to the abstract tool.


Abstract submission

System requirements
You need a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 to use the abstract submission system properly. You need Google Chrome. Please make sure you have installed the latest version to use this website correctly.

The submission programme will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not allow submissions that do not fit in the size requirements. The size of the abstract is limited to 3,000 characters (this includes title, body of abstract, spaces, tables and graphics). Every picture/graphic counts for 500 characters.

Type of abstract

I submit a:

  • Science-oriented poster abstract
  • Practice development-oriented poster abstract
  • Video abstract

For which session are you submitting an abstract

I submit this abstract for:

  • Poster Session (physical poster, digital poster (PDF) and slides are required)
  • Expert-guided Poster Tour (no physical poster is required, only digital poster (PDF), presentation at a digital screen, no slides required).
  • Video Session (10 minutes presentation of the video followed by 5 minutes discussion)

The title should clearly define the topic. Do not identify your institution in the title. There is no maximum length for the title. However, the characters in the title are included in your total character count.

The first letter of the title will automatically begin with a capital letter. Do type the abstract and title in small letters, except for abbreviations. Do NOT type the abstract title in capital letters.


Type the full family name and first name of all authors, only omitting any titles, degrees and institutional affiliations. It is advisable to check the correct spelling of the family name and initials with each author. Please check that for authors from the same institution the name of the institution is written in the exact same way to avoid the creation of extra affiliations, which are in fact identical.

Please make sure that the institution, department and city are written in English. If co-authors are from the same institution, the programme will automatically copy all information into the next boxes, so you do not have to type all information again. If co-authors are not from the same institution you can edit any box as your wish.

Body of the abstract
The body of the abstract includes: introduction and objectives, material and methods, results, conclusion and implications for practice.  Summarize the results presenting sufficient details to support the conclusions reached (it is not acceptable to state: “The results will be discussed”). Use numbers for numbers and only very well-known abbreviations e.g., ml, kg, MRI. If you must use other abbreviations, you must explain the first time it appears. You can use the special keys to insert tables, pictures or specific characters.

Proof reading
Verify that your abstract is correct and read the proof that will be automatically shown after you have inserted all data carefully. Keep a printout for your own records. When you come to step 7, you will see a preview of your abstract which you can print out directly.

Abstracts will be published as submitted, except for a simple English spelling check. After the submission deadline, there is no possibility to edit the abstract text anymore. Until the deadline of 1 December 2024, you will be able to enter your abstract to make changes, even when already submitted.


Video submission

Each video should be accompanied by an abstract and submitted through the online abstract submission system.

In the exceptional case that this is not possible you can send the video file by a down- and upload service like https://www.wetransfer.com to abstracts@congressconsultants.com. Please indicate the ID number of the abstract in your message.
All videos must be in English.

All videos submitted must be in the final format. Hence, they must include the exact title, all authors’ names, production date and running time. Videos without sound (music and/or voice-over) will not be accepted.  If the nurse is not visible in the video, the presenter should narrate the nursing role before or during playing the video.

The video can have a maximum length of 10 minutes.

Size and format
All formats are accepted, but MP4 is the preferred format.

Recommended requirements for video upload:

  • Resolution HD (1280×720 pixels) or higher.
  • Frame rate higher than 25fps.
  • Pixel aspect 16:9.
  • Bitrate higher than 6Mbps.
  • Audio stream: Stereo, 48000 Hz or better (AAC, DTS, Dolby 5.1).
  • Video container: MPEG-4 (MP4 or MK).


Submission deadline

Deadline for (video) abstract submission is 1 December 2024, 23.59 CET. 

To avoid a situation where your abstract cannot be submitted due to technical difficulties, computer problems or other reasons, you are advised to submit your abstract ahead of time.

There is no possibility for late-breaking (video) abstract submission.

Until this deadline you will be able to:

o             make changes in your abstract or author list, even when already submitted

o             withdraw abstracts

After this submission deadline:

o             there is no possibility to edit abstracts anymore

o             to withdraw your submitted abstracts you should send an email before 13 January 2025 to abstracts@congressconsultants.com.

After 13 January your abstract will be published and you can only decline the presentation (outcome around 19 December 2024).


Abstract selection

In December 2024 abstracts will be anonymously reviewed and sessions will be composed.

Ranking system
Practice development-oriented and science-oriented abstracts will be ranked separately. Each abstract is anonymously reviewed. The reviewers will give rankings on criteria related to:

    1. Importance of the topic for nursing practice or nursing research
    2. Originality of the abstract
    3. Quality of the abstract
    4. Implications for nursing practice or nursing research

Ranking Criteria Abstracts Scientific Committee


Selection outcome

After the rating in December, the sessions will be composed. The outcome of the abstract selection is available online through the abstract submission website by 19 December 2024. All submitters will receive a notification by email when the outcome is available.  An abstract can be selected for one of the following sessions:

Poster Session (with slides)

The presenting authors of the 18 highest ranked abstracts are invited to present in one of the 2 Poster Sessions. Presenters bring a physical poster to the meeting and mount their poster on the poster board for the Poster viewing session. Furthermore, they will be asked to upload a digital poster (PDF) and a PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation in the poster session is 6 min. followed by 2 min. discussion. The digital poster (PDF) will be uploaded to the Resource Centre.

Expert-guided Poster Tour (without slides)

Maximum 9 abstracts submitted for this session will be selected and the posters will be displayed on a digital screen in the booth area. These presenters do not have to present slides.

During this session the session chairs will show each poster and discuss it with the author during 2 minutes. The audience can pose questions and add to the discussion on what is presented.

This session aims to support nurses that are new to abstract submission and poster viewing and enable them to share experience, practice or literature review. The chair will give additional insights on how to interpret the content and enhance the quality of the abstract and poster design.

Video Session

Accepted videos will be shown by the presenter in the meeting room during the Video Session, in maximum 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes discussion. Ideally, we would welcome videos showing the work of the nurse involved. But sometimes the videos are made with a different focus, for example, a procedure. To make sure the presentation of such a video includes the nursing role, the presenter should introduce or narrate the video to explain what good nursing practice is, relevant to the topic of the video.

This session aims to showcase practices by nurses to fellow urology nurses, e.g. what has been achieved and fine-tuned in specific areas. It will also be an occasion to ask fellow nurses on how they overcame situations that may still occur in emerging clinical nursing practices.


Poster and presentation instructions

Instructions for the preparation of the Poster and PPT presentation will be published on the page Poster Presentation Instructions.



Videos, presentations and PDFs of posters and abstracts that have been presented at the meeting will be available at the EAUN Resource Centre after the meeting.

Presented abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Urological Nursing if the author uploads the abstract in the Wiley author portal. Presenters will receive a notification when the upload is available.